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Two simple onboard videos.
S2 licensed
Last night I was bored and I was looking through my replays I got saved and I found this race between me and [NRG]Martin.S that occured at South City. It was a practise race for a cup (SCC, Swedish Close Combat), and it was one of the best races that I've ever been part of, with a lot of switching positions and close racing without any paint being scratched off the car. Now, I just felt like it would be worth making that race into a video.

I made two separate videos for this race, the first one is viewed from my car, the other one is viewed from Martins car. First I thought I'd make the vid splitscreen but nah.
I apologize for the messages popping up, I blocked them in the cfg but apparently some of the messages still showed up. (Those when someone is connecting, joining from pits/pitting ect)

Enjoy. :]

My car.
Martins car.
S2 licensed
Doesn't a regular system recovery work in this case?
S2 licensed
I'll say just as felplacerad - Grattis på födelsedagen! :]
S2 licensed
Youtube or stage6, as others suggested. I'm afraid I'm not willing to wait 4½ hours for the download to be complete.
S2 licensed
No, not in LFS, but you can use it in programs like ventrilo or teamspeak.
S2 licensed
One of the best movies that I ever seen. Great work!
S2 licensed
Quote from kaynd :Nice effects but why not putting the camera in front of that mrt’s chassis bar?

Because this looks cooler. :P
Well done, I like it.
S2 licensed
Oh I see, that explains alot. :]
S2 licensed
It's alright I guess, only two things that I can criticise at this point.

1. 7 minutes is a bit too long for a video like this. 2 minutes would be better, max 3.
2. Watching two cars drift at blackwood only, for 7 minutes = boring. For your next vid, try show your drifting from several tracks and not just one specific. It might be more interesting to watch then, this vid got boring after 2-3 minutes.

8/10, this isn't bad at all but I think you can do better. Keep it up.
S2 licensed
Quote from NiTRo_SvK :you dont have to watch it at google video, i posted the download link too ... i chose google video because youtube is going from bad to worse in last weeks... but thanx anyway

Of course, but usually I don't download the vid until I've seen it first, then, if I like it, I'll dl it and save it. :]

Anyway, gj.
S2 licensed
Good vid, got nothing to complain about, I think. Maybe the length of the movie, and that you chose to upload the vid to google video which I personally dislike. Youtube is better. <3

9/10, -1 because of the length. There was action almost all the time but 7 minutes+ might get boring to watch anyway, it got boring for me at least.
But this is very good for being a first vid from you, keep 'em coming.
S2 licensed
I agree with the thisnameistaken. But anyway, this year, as the years before, I will send a thought to the victims and their familys. There's not much more I, nor anyone else can do, imo.
S2 licensed
I think it was the 6 lap race with UFR/XFR on SO Town, had an incident, ended up last, everyone else had incidents, so I came up to 2nd and had a smaller fight with the number 1, he was faster than me. However, I managed to pass him on the last lap and the last turn, the long left hander right before start/finish, so the win should've went to me, but for some reason I decided to reach for my keyboard to press F1, to make a smiley, and this was the reason to why I lost control over the car and went right into the barrier, and flipped the car over to the roof and slided towards the finish line, I didn't slide far enough though so.. DNF. But at least I had fun. :]
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Alright. Not sure whether you want critisicm in how to make your next one a little better but anyway, just a few things.

The choppy fps in the beginning might be something you have to work on, although the fps in the rest of the movie were alright.
I did like the editing and the way you moved the camera, BUT, in your future movies, try not to move the camera through the car(s). Somehow that sort of ruins it.
And last, but not the least, the music. Metallica. Although I am a huge fan of Metallica (I was at their concert in Stockholm 12/7 -07 btw), I don't think their music fits very well in some LFS-movie. And especially not Disbosable heroes. But this is just what I think, the subject "music" is very individual and everyone has their own taste. :]
S2 licensed
I like this one indeed. Good job. :]
S2 licensed
I really enjoyed this one. One of those movies that made me feel like rigging up my G25 and do some racing myself. ^^
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :the less idiotic car ballet dancers the better



It's exactly stuff like this that prepares for the biggest flame wars. And we don't want a flame war now, do we? I have never participated in any of those childish fights, and I sure as h*ll won't participate in this, but I just want to say that I've seen you say stuff like this before and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of seeing people harass drifters. Let people do what they want.. sheesh!
S2 licensed
Driver B, no question about it. Driver A took the inside line and he had it, but driver B turned into driver A, and from the looks of it, driver B knew that A was there. If driver B would've held his own line, that pass should have been clean and fair. But not only did he almost take out driver A, after the incident he spun around just after the chicane, hitting another car. Not so harsh, and nothing that seemed to cause alot of damage, but it still seems as he has a huge lack of understanding the situation and how to solve it in the best way. It doesn't work to just spin around, without watching mirrors/minimap first. Clearly he didn't check the minimap, nor the mirrors (I can understand the mirrors though, they wouldn't have helped out much in that position). Either that or he did check the minimap but just didn't give a dime about the cars coming in. In this case we can't do anything but speculate.

The conversation afterwards makes driver B look very childish. There is room for two cars in that chicane, if both cars are holding their lines. Of course only one car fits in that chicane when driver B did what he did. Duh.

So, conclusion: Driver B is held responsible, imo.
S2 licensed
Nice one, I like it. Plain and simple with lots of action. Keep it up.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Of course there are a lot who choose to be committed to LFS, generally those that post on the forum are the more committed group of people. Just because you can mid-race join onto a server and do a couple of quick races and then do something else doesn't make you uncommitted, many LFSers work towards leagues and big races like you said, they are committed, and guess what that's the best source of reliably clean racing. The public servers don't require commitment to join them but do to win on them. The uncommitted people are generally the types who spoil the races due to their lack of understanding and respect for both rules and unwritten codes of conduct, you can't reliably assume even a fast driver on a public server will be clean and give you room, where you can in leagues and generally, with a few exceptions, those that do the most driving are cleaner and will give you a better fairer race than those that don't know what they're doing.

Well spoken. I couldn't have said it much better myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :exactly, its a plug and play game, no commitment is inolved... what do F1 drivers have... Commitment.

Are you saying that players that join up the big leagues, like the 24 hour-race that was going on at Kyoto a while ago (for example), or the STCC/CTRA (another example), isn't commited to the game? Are you saying that players that race up to 5-6 hours/day, or even longer time than that in public servers, isn't commited? Sheesh, commitment is surely involved in this game. Just like any other game where people are in love with the game and absolutely adore it. And look at all the extra programs that people are coding to LFS, PitSpotter for example. Do you think people are doing that because they aren't commited?

So, in short words: I have no idea how you can make a statement where you say that LFS is a plug-n-play-game built on non-comitted players. Because that's what you're saying eh?
S2 licensed
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
S2 licensed
I guess it was a decent video for your first one. Just a few things about it.

The fps was bad, not terrible, but bad. You can fraps it with 0.5x speed and then double the fps in vegas I think. I know another program that have that function, and many video makers use it, but I can't recall it's name atm. Maybe someone else can name the prog.
The intro (drifting in circles at autox) was a bit boring to see. No action there.
No custom cameras, or very few of them.
Only one car drifting, in a movie that is over 4 minutes it gets boring, for a movie with that length you need action to entertain the viewer. Good twin drifting, for example.
You forgot Ctrl+F sometime, I think.
And last, but not the least, the music. It was my type of music, it sounds nice, but it would feel nice also if you sync the clips with the music, if you understand. That's rather hard to do with that type of music, but it can be done I suppose.

This is just critisicm based from my own point of view, don't take this as any negative crap. Just hints and advices on how to make your next one even better. To be honest, my first video was way worse than this one, so you're much better than me anyway. I'm just saying what I want in LFS-vids. :]

Overall, 4/10. I'm looking forward to see your next vid dude, bring it on.